January 9, 2012

My First Lego Set

I spent a lot of time being frugal in 2011.  I didn't splurge much and certainly not on myself.  But when I saw the  LEGO set on the shelf with a dark hair girl that included a cup of coffee, a laptop, and a camera it only took two seconds for it to go from the shelf to my cart.  Her name is Emma and she also designs clothes and likes to have organized drawers.  Hello???  Like I wasn't already sold at the camera and coffee top.

As soon as the boys were asleep I ripped that box open and got to work.  I didn't bother with the instructions, I just went for the pieces I wanted.  Phil just had to take a picture; its kind of out of focus since he was laughing which shook the camera a bit.

We took some pictures of each other...

Then had a coffee break while getting some work done on the laptop...

 The other lego guys are pretty excited to have a female lego in the house

She's a little tall for a LEGO person.  Captain America was more her type.

After I had my fun I let the boys (and my neice) play with the LEGO set for a while.  They had a blast.  One of the best $10 I've ever spent.  Emma and her Design Studio can be found at stores around town or on Amazon at www.amazon.com.  I'm a little disappointed in her rather un-LEGO appearance but all of the other LEGO pieces and accessories are everything you would expect from LEGO.


  1. love it. it's perfect for you <3

  2. What a lovely series, it´s so full of fantasy. I can understand, why you must buy this little lady.

  3. Wow! Love this! I am going to have to order this for myself. My 7-year-old son has tons of Legos. It's my turn to have my own.
